Friday, September 24, 2010

Odds and ends

In Yellowstone we were served each time by a nice fellow from Georgia named Danny (one of three in a row with my son's name). Young people from all over the world go there for the summer season. I think it's terrific to mix everyone together and have them tell their friends and family things not found in the news. (I feel I must mention that similar jobs across the country were filled by a surprisingly high percentage of youngsters from the former USSR. And a truly surprising number of tourists also came from there.) So of course I tried to do my part to further international bondings.

I was talking with Danny about his summer season at Yellowstone (he has a brother in Burlington and relatives in southern Vermont) and it came up that he thought a co-worker of his (a particularly attractive and pleasant young woman from Romania named Alexandra) was someone he would like to know better. I thought it was too late in the season for him to not have made this clear to her. So, yes, I spoke with her about Danny and how he liked her and how he was shy about letting her know. She seemed to truly like what she heard. The next day before we left, I caught her eye from some distance. She immediately flashed a big smile and waved enthusiastically.

Who knows?

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