Monday, September 27, 2010

Fortress Rock

A Navajo man named Russell told me about this island rock. At the bottom for maybe 50 feet straight up there are no apparent handholds to even begin the seemingly impossible task of reaching the top. The Navajo successfully held out against the Spanish here. They had secret ways down to resupply their food and water.

Later Russell also said that there is a hole in the top that may or may not be a way to get to the bottom. There is a chimney of sorts on the right hand side that can be used by very skilled climbers to work their way up, if they can find a means to access it.

Also he said that somewhere on the top, but in a recess or cave, there is a drawing of a giant snake that dates back past his grandmother's memory. The snake was said to swallow cows whole. Whether or not it did, as Russell said, the story kept the youngsters from wandering too far from the adults.

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