Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back to Canyon De Chelly for a moment

Mike wanted to make sure you all know about the help we provided a Navajo man. On our way to one of the overlooks -- all of which are serious and sacred in nature -- we had a light moment. Driving very slowly as posted, I stopped for some "open range" cattle. (Just what it sounds like -- no fences. They are free to go wherever they choose. There are, however, some grates spread about that tend to keep them in a restricted, but large, area.)

Anyway, they wandered across, mostly to my right, while two bulls went into the bushes to my left. A short time later a Navajo man came walking down the road towards us. He looked at us, stuck his index fingers up alongside his head, bent slightly, and gave us a questioning pose. We nodded and pointed back over our shoulders. He smiled and continued down the dirt road towards his cattle.

Mike says we now speak Navajo.

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