Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cody to Yellowstone

One detail I forgot to mention about the trip through the Bighorns: the highest elevation marked on our road was about 8,800 or so ... pretty much twice the height of Vermont's tallest, Mt. Mansfield.

We'd planned to spend a good chunk of the day in the western museums in Cody, but the timing didn't work based on the availability of rooms at Yellowstone ... so off to Yellowstone where we were told we got the last available room at the park (in the Snow Lodge near the historic Old Faithful Inn, the largest log building in the world).

Who knew the trip to Yellowstone would be so cool?

After lots of searching, I can't find those pictures (hopefully later, but probably not) -- but there are some valleys and mountain passes and three consecutive tunnels on the way. That drive alone is worth keeping in mind if your ever in the area ... and it will likely make you think, "I could live here -- if only for a while."

Here's some pictures of Yellowstone, then the awesome, amazing Grand Tetons, just a little south of Yellowstone:

A dragon lives in this cave.

An orchestra used to play from somewhere way up there.

Searching small town after small town (pop. 100-1200) for a decent motel, we finally found a nice place in Montpelier (they pronounce it the same way we do), Idaho (pop. 2500). There are eight lanes in the road in front of our motel. I walked across that road to a convenience store and back. Going and coming in either direction there was exactly one car headed my way as far as I could see (about a half mile). This was around 6 pm local time. Rush hour, I suppose.

Why eight lanes?



  1. Because someone got a gub-ment grant?

  2. That might explain all the greenbacks embedded in the tarmac.
